Monday, 29 March 2010

Monday 29th March, Days Inn, Bardstown, Ky Day 14


Today was just dull. A uniform grey sky that didn’t change all day. Cycling. mostly into the wind. over fairly boring countryside. Lots of little Stepford- like towns. Nobody about. Very strange and a bit disconcerting.

Everywhere we have been, there are little signs and posters up, often on people’s lawns, campaigning for local officials: X for sheriff or marshal, Y for magistrate, even Z for Town Jailer. Why would you want to be a jailer? Steady work I suppose and you would meet people.

Anyway, over several hundred miles, in all the towns and counties, all the candidates have been men Then suddenly, in Mercer County there was a poster asking you to vote for Thelma Bradley as Magistrate. A few hundred yards down the road it was “Vote for Cleo Baker . Jailer for Mercer County.” I didn’t check to see if all the candidates for all posts were women but it seemed a strange coincidence.

Nothing to see all day really. Not a restaurant, diner or even a garage to break the monotony. Just the cold gradually seeping into you. Lunch was a hastily eaten sandwich, bought in a garage first thing this morning .

Chased by dogs again. They rarely get too close. Just outside Mackville, Mike was chased by a Pekingese while I had an arthritic mongrel lumbering alongside me. You’re more embarrassed than afraid.

We reached Bardstown at 3 and checked in to Days Inn which is reasonably near the historic old part of town (which I suspect is not very large.) Tomorrow is a REST DAY ( one of the most beautiful phrases in the English language) and I suspect drink may be taken this evening.

(My first task was to drop off my laundry at Mr. Tub’s laundrette in North St. I’ve had enough of rinsing out my smalls in the shower.)


  1. Hi Mick, after all this time! Following your trip & enjoying your blog,Julie x

  2. Hi Mick and Mike,

    Been trying to keep up with your posts between all the wedding planning madness.At times like these, the sheer simplicity of slogging along on a bike for endless miles has a strange attraction.But that's from the comfort of my armchair.(And very comfortable it is too)
    Keep spinning that crank and remember,if you haven't worked it out already,one day
    you'll know why you did this...
    P.S Lesley and I were wondering if all that oatmeal for breakfast has any side effects

