Monday, 10 May 2010

Monday May 10th , Mountain Spirit Inn, Darby, Montana



What a tumultuous night ! I will never forget the final scene in the Antler Saloon. Mike pounding away at the piano. Myself standing on the bar, conducting, and about fifty tough old weather-beaten cowboys belting out chorus after chorus of “Happy Birthday Tom ‘n Lid-ya, happy birthday to yew!”. Glasses were raised, Stetsons thrown in the air. Several shots were fired into the ceiling . Unfortunately, a woman from Nebraska, descending the staircase, was hit by one of these, but, when the reason was explained for the jollity, she dismissed it as “just a flesh wound” and bought another round for everybody. Hurrah!

At the end Mike and I were carried, shoulder-high back to the motel, to the strains of “They’ll be coming round the mountain when they come”. A wonderful occasion.


What a difference a day makes! Today was really enjoyable. Cool sunshine, the wind behind us most of the way and a beautiful ride through pine forests and winding mountainous paths.

Lunch in the Rocky Knob CafĂ©, 15 miles from Darby. Started in the 1890s by a woman nicknamed Ptomaine Joe, possibly because she got through 9 husbands. She got the place built by paying the workers in food , drink, and other “favours”. Very much a local heroine according the info on the menu.

A nice bowl of chilli and, when I asked what beer they had, the waitress said there was a special offer on “Arrogant Bastard”. Mike seem to think this most appropriate. It was good too, dark, and very bitter.

We arrived in Darby at four and are staying at the Mountain Spirit Inn. It’s very basic but run by a really nice young couple. Darby is another one-street, log cabin, western town. It looks nothing much but apparently get really busy in the summer which is when the little antique places must make their money. Most of them aren’t even open yet. Dinner will be in the Little Blue restaurant, just down the street and recommended by mine host, and there are two bars opposite so we will probably try both.

Limited internet access at present but it looks like the UK is collapsing. Americans talking more and more about Roy Hodgson being new Prime Minister and Clint Dempsey as Foreign Secretary. I try to calm things down but it’s difficult.

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